By M2 Performance Nutrition

Understand human metabolism and you’ll understand how to unlock results.



As a health professional or enthusiast, it’s important to fully understand how your metabolism works, what your body does when you eat a meal, and how it mobilizes energy stores when you work out.


Having a scientific, evidence based understanding to generate results is key to anyone trying to help themselves or others achieve a goal.


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In the Understanding Metabolism Certification, we will cover:

  • How your body digests, stores and mobilizes each of the macronutrients
  • How cellular energy is created from the food you eat
  • Why micronutrients are critical for an optimal metabolism
  • How the body responds to various forms of exercise
  • What happens to our metabolism when we restrict calories
  • How to maximize muscle mass generation through your diet & lifestyle
  • What causes a “plateau” during dieting and how we can prevent them
  • And finally… how to generate long term body composition changes that will actually last

Hear what our students have to say...

“I currently work at a Strength and Conditioning gym where I have been able to help many people with the information from these classes. For example, just today I helped guide one of our members who is struggling to lose weight to get her blood work and then I compared it to a few examples you gave and asked her to have her testosterone checked and here it is very high. I will never regret paying for these courses and learning from you! Thank you so very much, many lives will be changed because of the information you have shared.”

- Lindsay Kinard

“M2 is my absolute go to guy when it comes to anything that has to do with nutrition. This course is certainly no different. Mike presents a complicated topic in a totally digestible format. Whether you have a background in biology or coaching you will undoubtedly gain new knowledge from this course.”

- Dan Pope

Physical Therapist and owner of Fitness Pain Free

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