By M2 Performance Nutrition

The missing piece in your nutritional education is knowledge of gut health.



This is why we've developed a course that takes a comprehensive look at the biology of how the gut works and proven ways to improve you and your client's health through nutrition, lifestyle and supplementation. 


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With the Gut Biology Certification, you will receive: 

  • An understanding of how the gut is a gateway to overall health and how to apply this knowledge to you or your client's lives. 
  • Science backed information on gut biology, the microbiome and gut function for everyday processes such as digestion, immune development, neurological health and micro-nutrient absorption.
  • An understanding of how we can intentionally manipulate the microbiome to promote health, along with protocols to manage conditions such as Small Intestinal Bacterial Outgrowth (SIBO) & Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD.)
  • 7 weeks of a self-led video series from M2 Founder & Lead Instructor, Mike Molloy, PhD.
  • Direct access to your instructor to ask questions, ensuring you're able to get the most out of the material. 

...and so much more!

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